Happy House
Imagine a haunted house...
Now, instead of causing fear, imagine if it were designed to inspire happiness.
It doesn't matter who you are, modern life serves hardship on so many fronts.
Our lives are increasingly disconnected. Sure, we may have every 'friend' we've ever met available in our pocket-sized super computer - but many have used this innovation to allow ourselves to be removed from experiencing life together. The further we remove ourselves, the harder it becomes to recalibrate, the further we get and the less happy we become.
We are constantly bombarded by information, lights, and sound -- to the point that we tune it all out as noise. The wonder of the modern world is lost on us, even as we stand in the middle of it, we put our heads down and get our work done like good adults. So many innovations we dreamed of when we were kids now exist, yet we don't have the time or place to experience awe.
As adults, we forget how to play, ending the development of the brain pathways that open the path to creativity and empathy. When we allow ourselves to not 'act like a grown-up', we give ourselves permission to look silly, to fail at being seen as perfect, and bring down the constant pressure we put on ourselves. We believe that play is integral to happiness for people of all ages.
When life is at its most frightening, most trying, is when we most need to connect to each other and find a smile.
Our team uses technology and theatre to create
open discovery installations based on the science of happiness.
Right now we are developing rooms involving laughter as medicine, human attraction to shiny/sparkling things, how eye contact while raising heart rates effects us and how play opens our minds to new experiences and happiness.
If you are interested in adding a Happy House installation to your event or as a team building experience for your business or group, please contact us. We have several developed concepts as well as some ideas up our sleeves we would be excited to share with the group who would be inspired by them.
We are currently testing rooms for our first full building Happy House, premiering summer of 2020.